COVID-19 Regulations and Safety Precautions

We wanted to let you know we have made changes to better promote patient safety and health. That way, when we visit you, you can rest assured that we are taking proactive measures to keep each other safe.

Here are some of the changes we have implemented:

  1. Increased sanitation and cleaning of treatment tables and supplies

  2. Pre-screening patients before entering their residences

What we ask of you:

  1. At this point in time, PATIENTS ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK but may still do so depending on personal comfort. You may also ask that we wear a mask during our visit — we want you to be comfortable.

  2. Please wash your hands prior to our arrival.

  3. Please call and cancel your appointment if you have COVID-19, suspect you may have it, or are living with a family member that does.